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Cancer Tapestry ​


Upcoming events and exhibition


12 Nov - 31 December, One panel displayed, part of The Scottish Tapestry Trail Exhibition

Great Tapestry of Scotland, Galashiels



Cancer tapestry tour 2024


So far 

All involve exhibition of panels, paintings, documentary, workshop and talk

Feb 24 Cornerstone Centre, St John’s Episcopal Church, Princes Street, Edinburgh (Launch)

March 24 Dundee V&A Launch of completed Dundee Panel

May 24 New Lanark Mills launch of completed Dunblane panel

July 24th - 28th Dukes of West Barn (fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support and Cancer Research)

21 August, Healing Arts Week, Cornerstone Centre, St John’s Episcopal Church, Princes Street, Edinburgh. EIF

22 August, Healing Arts Week, Aberdeen Arts Centre

29th August - 28 September, Aberdeen Central Library (displayed from 23 August)

21st October - 24 October, Dunblane Cathedral

4 November, CANDU Lived Experience Conference, V&A Dundee


More dates to be announced



Awards and articles about Cancer Tapestry

Jon Gill's documentary "A Good Thing To Do" won a Mobile Motion Award 2024

The film was supported by Macmillan Cancer Support.

Article in The Lancet



The idea

The aim is to create a Cancer Tapestry that will show a 1000 stories of cancer. To show not only science behind cancer care and the process most cancer patients receive, but the human side of cancer treatment. The compassion and caring that comes not only from doctors, nurses and staff, but from family, friends and community.

During the Covid lockdown Heather Swinson completed the first panel, which was presented to the Scottish Health Secretary Jean Freeman to put in the final stitch. This panel tells many stories and has involved many people including doctors, nurses, etc. Jo Allen  Heather's daughter made a beautiful film to tell its story. At present there are 15 panels up and running and I have completed three paintings based on my experience. We have panels in Walton on Thames, Glasgow, Dundee, Dunblane, East Lothian, Saltoun, Cockenzie, Macmillan Cancer Support, Dunbar, Aberdeen and Leeds. Two panels being designed by a Junior Doctor. And hoping to expand to create a MacMillan Cancer Support Panel. It is hoped to further expand the project gathering more stories about cancer. 


​​The Panels so far


Human cells

Human cells are the basic units that make up the human body. We each contain trillions of human cells.

Around each panel is a series of circles, these are based on the image of a  human cell. 

Each cell contains a story of what it means to have Cancer. Each Cell is telling a unique and moving story.

The aim of the tapestry is to share these stories of cancer. What does it mean to have cancer? 

To tell the impact cancer can have on individuals, families and communities. 

The aim of the tapestry is to gather 1000 stories.


Panel 1 introduction

This panel introduces the main themes of The Cancer Tapestry, which are Caring, Science and Compassion. 

The image of person losing their hair through cancer treatment.

Stitched by Heather Swinson from Eskbank, Scotland and over 100 contribution. 


Panel 2  Caring

Introduction to main theme of Caring

The image of a mother hugging her daughter to show caring

Stitched by group from Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, England


Panel 3   Science

To introduce the main of the tapestry themes of showing the science. To visually show treatments of chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, surgery, etc.

Stitched by a group from Dundee, Scotland.


Panel  4   Compassion

To introduce the main theme of Compassion. To show that to help those who are suffering from Cancer compassion is an important part of healing.



Panel 5   story panel: Andrew Crummy

Andrew Crummy’s story, the designer of the tapestry.

This family panel tells not only Andrew’s story but others in his family and friends.

The image is how Andrew felt after being told of the plan of his treatment by his oncologist. 

Stitched by partner Carmel Daly, family and friends, Cockenzie East Lothian


Panel 6   Story Panel : Saltoun Group

A group of teachers from Saltoun Primary School tell stories of cancer.

Saltoun, East Lothian, Scotland


Panel 7   Story Panel: Dunblane Group

A group of stitchers from Dunblane Scotland tell their0 stories of Cancer.

Dunblane, Scotland


Others panel ongoing including stories from Macmillan Cancer Support, Dundee (Candu), Dunbar, East Lothian, Leeds, Aberdeen, Junior doctor x 2, Glasgow and Mexico so far .





NOTES from those involved


"In 2017 Edinburgh artist Andrew Crummy was diagnosed with throat cancer. He vowed that if he survived he would tell the story of cancer by bringing people together to create something potentially bigger and more globally significant than his other great work, The Great Tapestry of Scotland. 


When an old art college friend heard about it she offered to donate yarn for use in the project as she had recently lost her sister in law, a talented machine knitter  to brain cancer. This led to her taking on a panel to be created in Dundee. She called on her friends to help to stitch and design the 24 small circles surrounding Andrew’s main image. Science was It’s title and there was much discussion about the content which combines some scientific references but mainly personal tributes celebrating survivors and remembering those who sadly lost their lives to cancer including Alasdair (Breeks) Brodie. 


Over the weekend 6 tapestries and Andrew’s initial artwork will be displayed along with Jon Gill’s film,supported by Macmillan Cancer Support whichchronicles the inception of the idea and what it means to those who have taken part so far... most of whom live with cancer or have someone very close to them who has.


There will also be workshops where visitors can add a stitch or two to the “Compassion” panel, seeing the developing Dunblane Panel and can take a kit to stitch their own individual circle which will be used to create a MacMillan Cancer Support panel."


Mairi Fraser


Background to the story from Andrew Crummy


" In 2017 I went through treatment for throat cancer. Through this experience I began speaking to Rod Mountain, an ENT surgeon from Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. Rod had heard through a mutual friend Fraser MacLean that I had designed The Great Tapestry of Scotland. Rod phoned me while I was in hospital getting chemotherapy treatment, suggesting when I get better I should think about doing a Cancer Tapestry. While at the same time, my oncologist Dr Ioanna Nixon noticed I was sketching in the hospital and encouraged me to keep drawing. After my treatment Ioanna, who was then working at The Beatson in Glasgow, and Rod began the journey with me to create a Cancer Tapestry, later joined by Gillian Hart.  Over the coming years several panels have been created. And recently MacMillan Cancer Support supported the creation of a documentary by Jon Gill and this event.

As a designer and community artist I felt I could give something back to The NHS and the amazing treatment I received. Getting The Cancer Tapestry up and running has been a real privilege, in particular the many moving stories that are shared and stitched."


Rod Mountain adds to this story


" Andrew's story is personal, but not unique. It speaks a universal human truth. Directly or indirectly, we are all affected by the physical, emotional and social consequences of cancers that none of us can avoid. The Cancer Tapestry project offers help and hope, and brings humanity together stitch by stitch, story by story, panel by panel. Would it not be amazing if every human being could add a stitch or two! "


From Dr Ioanna Nixon

“The Cancer Tapestry is a novel art project enabling anyone directly or indirectly affected by cancer to share their story. It is an honour being part of this movement from its infancy. 

We are making huge progress with cancer therapies through research and clinical innovations. However, everyone’s cancer journey is unique and undoubtedly requires all the support they can have to make it easier. The Cancer Tapestry panels  this journey combining hundreds of stories under many themes; from science to compassion. Hence, this movement is important for people to express themselves, share experience, learn, and talk about a disease way to common for us to keep quiet. Will you add a stitch? “


Jon Gill, documentary maker explains how he got involved


“As soon as I heard Andrew’s story I just had to tell it. And it became so much more than I could have imagined at the beginning. What’s remarkable is that until now the stories in Andrew’s tapestries have been geographical… whereas The Cancer Tapestry is universal."


From Eleanor Oglivie, MacMillan Cancer Support

“As soon as I heard about the Cancer Tapestry I was keen to work with Andrew to see how we might also extend this wonderful project to the people affected by cancer that Macmillan support. The creative way that people’s cancer experiences have been shared and the community spirit behind this work as a unique way to engage with people whose voice is often missing. It's such an important educational and community engagement method.”




Notes for Healings Arts Festival 2024


The Healing Arts Scotland Week

21 August, Cornerstone Centre, St John’s Episcopal Church, Princes Street, Edinburgh


Excited to announce that The Cancer Tapestry which will be part of Healing Arts Scotland 2024, which is led by Scottish Ballet

and the Jameel Arts & Health Lab in collaboration with the World Health Organisation.

We will be again partnering with Macmillan Cancer Support. 

Showing panels completed and those in progress, the documentary and discussion session and progressing

The MacMillan Cancer panel, with circles and stories now coming in fast (more information to follow). 


The Healing Arts Scotland Week is supported by Scottish Ballet, Edinburgh International Festival

​Andrew Crummy is an artist who draws and paints. Since 1986 he has completed many artworks, illustrations, paintings and murals.

He is known as the designer of community art tapestries including The Great tapestry of Scotland.

In 2023 he was awarded an MBE, an honorary doctorate from Dundee University and a Fletcher of Saltoun Award from The Saltire Society.



All artworks, tapestry designs copyright © Andrew Crummy

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