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Dundee Tapestry introduction
Dundee Tapestry Women of Dundee
Dundee Tapestry Industry

Dundee tapestry


Launched 19 Jan 2024

V&A  Dundee


The project started with a meeting with Frances Stevenson at the DJCAD degree show 2018. Introduced by our mutual friend Ewan Steel. Frances invited me to a meeting with Dundee Tapestry committee a few weeks later. Over the coming years working with the committee, I developed the drawings and the idea of creating 35 circular designs. The 35 circles of The Dundee Tapestry would bring aspects of its recent history to life, exploring the connections that have been made across the city and beyond. The Project would explore key themes that have transformed Dundee:


Dundee Women

Dundee Creative

Dundee Industry

Dundee Culture

Dundee Communities

Dundee Education

Dundee international

Dundee Nature


I designed and drew all the panels, inviting other people to contribute to the drawings and add their story. As this was a community arts project this aspect was very important. The wealth of knowledge that came from over 150 stitchers and beyond was amazing. 

It has been a privilege to work on The Dundee Tapestry. So proud it was launch at V@A Dundee.



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